Happiness Is...

A little snowstorm. It's weird to say this mid-February, because I'm normally itching for spring by now, but we've had so little snow this year that I'm enjoying this gorgeous snowfall. Right now every last little branch is being blanketed in white sparklies, and it's beautiful. Time to build a fire and order in. Wobbly Panda video, for funsies. Have a wonderful, cozy weekend everybody!

Happy Pandaversary!

A year ago today, we took a ride to the Eastern Townships. I have since lost track of the hugs, cuddles, laughs, games, and kisses. Especially the kisses. I have watched strangers' faces transform as we walk by - Panda brings smiles, squeals and a conversation to just about everyone she meets. We hear snippets of: I don't like dogs, but I like that dog. If I had a dog, it would be that one. Look at that - THAT'S a dog. Best dog ever. Dog of the day. Ohhh I want that dog.

Sadly for most who ask, she's one of a kind - as anyone who's ever adopted a shelter dog knows. We've come up with breed names for her so that when people ask, we have an answer - what kind of dog is that? Oh, she's a Fluffmaster 3000. A Fluffy McFlufferson. A rare and unobtainable Fuzzface. No matter what you call her, she's our Panda. Happy first Panda-versary, dear Fuzzface - extra carrots after dinner today :)

p.s. If you are thinking of welcoming a pet into your family, please consider adopting a shelter animal. There are many, many loving animals out there who need forever homes. Many thanks to the Frontier Animal Society, who made life possible for Panda.

Happiness Is...

A fresh pair of afghan slipper socks. My beloved old ones were full of holes and the soles had fallen off - it was time. Toasty tootsies for under twenty bucks, yes please! Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!


We're not the only ones who love where we live. We knew about this guy when we moved in because he's been here since last spring, but it's time to send him on his way - even though he's living in an exterior structure, the ground below it is littered with styrofoam and other nest aides, and the inside of our garage is starting to smell. So we called Humane Wildlife Control and they came by today to assess the situation. They'll be back tomorrow to send this fellow on his way. Sorry buddy, paying tenants only! Here are some pics I took one evening last fall as he watched me sweep the front walk. So long, peanut gallery.

Happiness Is...

A little flexibility. Everyone gets to break the rules now and then - even giant fuzzfaces who aren't normally allowed on the bed. Would you look at that is-this-really-happening face? We've created a monster. Happy Friday!! Hope you all get to sleep in this weekend.