Happy Pandaversary!

A year ago today, we took a ride to the Eastern Townships. I have since lost track of the hugs, cuddles, laughs, games, and kisses. Especially the kisses. I have watched strangers' faces transform as we walk by - Panda brings smiles, squeals and a conversation to just about everyone she meets. We hear snippets of: I don't like dogs, but I like that dog. If I had a dog, it would be that one. Look at that - THAT'S a dog. Best dog ever. Dog of the day. Ohhh I want that dog.

Sadly for most who ask, she's one of a kind - as anyone who's ever adopted a shelter dog knows. We've come up with breed names for her so that when people ask, we have an answer - what kind of dog is that? Oh, she's a Fluffmaster 3000. A Fluffy McFlufferson. A rare and unobtainable Fuzzface. No matter what you call her, she's our Panda. Happy first Panda-versary, dear Fuzzface - extra carrots after dinner today :)

p.s. If you are thinking of welcoming a pet into your family, please consider adopting a shelter animal. There are many, many loving animals out there who need forever homes. Many thanks to the Frontier Animal Society, who made life possible for Panda.