Happiness Is...

A birthday party! It's my lovely Mum's birthday on Tuesday so my dear sister and sis-in-law came in from Ottawa yesterday and we had ourselves a little walk, a little lunch and a lot of dessert. I made Aran's trifle with strawberries and peaches and it was deelish. Happy birthday dear Mum, I love you! Have a great week everyone!

Happiness Is...

Other people's garbage. Guess what we came across as Panda and I strolled through the rain earlier this afternoon - a stack of trimmed hydrangea branches waiting for the compost pile. Hello, free bouquet of flowers! There's not much I enjoy more than fresh flowers, so when they're free to boot... yes. I may have to go back to the pile and get some more. Thank-you neighbour! Have a wonderful weekend everybody!

Happiness Is...

Sunday sunset walks. There's something contemplative about Sunday evenings - the week is officially coming to a close and weekend fun is winding down. The neighbourhood seems even more peaceful than usual as everyone gears up for the week ahead. Now that it's a lot less buggy at dusk, I've been loving our sunset walks and watching the glowbugs as we return home. Have a lovely week everyone!

Happiness Is...

A good roll in the grass. We've had a pretty hot and sticky summer so far but the past few days have been dry and warm with gentle breezes and cool nights - perfection. Dr. Panda prescribes this little dance to show your appreciation, preferably as often as possible. Have a wonderful, sunny weekend everyone!